For the past few weeks, I’ve had to deal with this message almost every time I try to do anything with my Apple ID:
This Apple ID has been disabled for security reasons.
This is incredibly annoying. I think it might have something to do with the whole iTools/.Mac/MobileMe disaster, so I tried changing my ID to a non-iTools/.Mac/MobileMe address to see if that would help. I was unable to do this:
This change is not allowed. This account name was originally set up as a .Mac account and upgraded to MobileMe. An Apple ID has already been automatically set up for use with this member name. You can access this Apple ID by using either .Mac or MobileMe addresses (e.g. or, but you cannot change the Apple ID. If you would like to use a new account name, please create a new Apple ID.
Ugh. Let’s see if they let me transfer my store credit to the new account. I’m guessing they won’t.
saw this and thought maybe you’d agree: