Teaching parents about tech

For this holiday season, Google has set up a site called Teach Parents Tech which has some easy video tips that you can send to those who often look to you for tech support. I found my way into one of the videos, which is about currency conversion. Check it out:

It was fun to be in front of the camera for a change, but I don’t think I’ll be making a habit out of it. It was a good excuse to see what wearing makeup is like though.

During the shoot, they asked everyone to share a story about giving their parents tech support. My story was about how I was showing my mom how to do something on the computer by controlling her screen remotely. (We live on opposite sides of the country.) Then, a week later, I was talking to my grandmother, and she was telling me how my mom was controlling my grandmother’s computer to do some tech support. So, while I was trying to show her something else, what I really taught my mom was how to do tech support!

Some of the family tech support stories were chosen for a promo video, but mine wasn’t as you’ll see it doesn’t really fit the theme! I’m sure my mom is glad she was too advanced to make it into this one: