Wysz – LIVE! On the Internet!

People often ask me, “So what exactly do you do at Google?” Well, I work in Search Quality. One of the best ways we can improve our quality is by improving our understanding of content on the web, and we count on webmasters to help us out with this. Webmasters get more relevant listings in our search results, and we get happier users.

To help you help us, we invest a lot of resources into free tools and education for webmasters. You’ll find all the relevant info at Webmaster Central. Today I’d like to specifically direct you to the Google Webmaster Central Blog, where we’ve announced our third live chat with webmasters. So if you want to hear me and other Googlers talk about search, or just hang out in the chat room, please get registered now and join us tomorrow. Start submitting your search-related webmastery questions, and make sure you give me a shout-out in the chat!

And as a special sneak preview, here’s a question I’ll be asking YOU in the chat:
What other webmaster-related videos would you like to see us produce?