Happy Halloween!
My costume this year was my mom’s idea, and I like it. I am… Cheese Wysz! (Get it?)
Here’s a picture… Cheese!

If Cheese Wysz isn’t enough for you, check out some of my coworkers’ more creative costumes.
Happy Halloween!
My costume this year was my mom’s idea, and I like it. I am… Cheese Wysz! (Get it?)
Here’s a picture… Cheese!
If Cheese Wysz isn’t enough for you, check out some of my coworkers’ more creative costumes.
I’ve been living in California for over a year now, but I’m still getting used to it. Earlier this evening, while on a video chat with Ted, I felt event nc40204628. It was the longest earthquake I’ve ever experienced; I’m guessing the shaking lasted about 20 seconds. Of course with all other earthquakes I’ve felt, my first thought wasn’t that the cause of the motion was an earthquake. I’ve always blamed it on something else, like a quarry blast or someone else walking on a balcony, and then only realized later, after hearing from someone else, that it was actually an earthquake. This time, I thought my upstairs neighbors had dropped something or were jumping. It wasn’t until about 5-10 seconds into it that I realized what was actually going on. Of course my instincts aren’t really tuned to make me react, so after telling Ted I was in an earthquake, I stood up and looked at the doorway, which I was pretty sure I was supposed to go to. But I assumed that by that time it was almost over, and just waited it out for several more seconds. When I thought it had stopped, I sat down, but was surprised to feel myself still swaying. I had to confirm by watching the swinging blinds that the motion wasn’t just in my head. Tiffany had a similar experience, only she was watching swinging pots.
And, just so you know how easily I’ve slid back into blogging, my first thought after it was all over was, “This will make a great blog entry.”
After purchasing this domain nearly a year ago, I have finally added some content to TheWysz.com. This is my new blog, and it’s called Wyszdom. It’s not my first time blogging, but there are a couple of things that are new to me with this one:
I hope to use this site to learn how to be a better webmaster, with access to many more tools than I had with .Mac, which my old site ran on. My first step is learning WordPress, but look for photo/video content as well in the near future as I get things up and running around here. Thanks for stopping by!