On dating

Michael Wyszomierski: this is why this should all be done online
Michael Wyszomierski: where you just have to check a box
Leah: just because you’re more comfortable with robots than people doesn’t mean the rest of us are

Pet peeves

Michael Wyszomierski: pet peeve: the “life in the office” authors referring to a new blog post as a “new blog”
Michael Wyszomierski: annoys me every time
Nelson: pet peeve: people standing on the sides of treadmills while they’re still moving
Michael Wyszomierski: who does that?
Nelson: almost everyone
Michael Wyszomierski: weird
Nelson: and then they tell their friends they ran 5 miles
Nelson: when they were drinking water for 2
Michael Wyszomierski: this is why i don’t go to the gym

Terrible Blogging Parent

Back in the day, one of the staples of my blog was publishing snippets of online conversations. I’m bringing that back. Here we go:

Leah: i have a friend who thought independence mall was an actual mall
Leah: that sounded like something you would have blogged about
Wysz: probably
Wysz: oh
Wysz: someone said something stupid the other day
Wysz: i forget what it was
Wysz: but now that i think about it, i should have blogged it
Wysz: oh, yesterday
Wysz: on the plane
Wysz: a kid looked out the window, and said “mom, look, a plane!”
Wysz: at a frickin airport
Wysz: kids are so dumb
Leah: how old was he
Wysz: like 2 or 3, but still
Wysz: it’s an airport
Wysz: idiot
Leah: then he gets a pass
Leah: you’re going to make a terrible parent