A bunch of my friends and I are participating in one of those things where you walk around and somehow it cures a disease. I’ve never been the biggest fan of these (I’d rather just donate money than have some sort of gimmick), but if that’s what it takes to get people to donate, then I’m for it. Plus I’m sure those who have a closer personal connection to the cause get something out of it.
Anyway, as I was signing up, I was reminded of my previous post: Wysz hates charities! The registration process was confusing and long, and if I hadn’t already committed to my friends, it’s something I honestly would probably have given up on if I was just doing it on my own. (I’d still donate, just not participate.)
Here’s the first page I had to deal with, which confused me:

Then, I saw this form, which filled my vertical 24″ monitor:

I finally got through it (with help). You can help me reach my goal by donating here. If I’ve met my goal, help out Koklynn, Charlene, Reid, or Nelson. And as I already had to specify earlier today, it’s not for cancer, it’s against it. While you have your credit card out, you could also help to fight Alzheimer’s. It’s an easy form.